Pump Up Chats with Jennifer Lynne Matthews, author of “Fashion Unraveled”

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As an educator, Jennifer Lynne Matthews, recognized that there was a need for a step by step educational manual to teach her students on how to start their own business. Consequently, Matthews wrote the first edition of Fashion Unraveled in 2008 to provide such educational material, and just completed the second edition in 2011. Matthews, also a lingerie designer and entrepreneur, opened her own business, Porcelynne Lingerie in 2002. Fashion Unraveled is built on Matthews’ experience in both opening and sustaining a successful business. She brings the knowledge of running a small business and her expertise in the industry into her book and it continues into her classroom teaching.

Thank you for this interview, Jennifer. Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later? Do you remember your first published piece?

I wrote a lot as a child, but mostly science fiction stories. When I was in high school, I joined the newspaper staff. Seeing the first publication that everyone in school was reading was definitely a thill.

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

The frustrating part is that now I want to write everything, but I don’t have the time. The rewarding part is the emails I receive from my readers thanking me for writing such a helpful book.

Fashion Unraveled Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life? Do you have support?

I’m actually engaged. The big day is this June. As a teacher, I only work a few days a week, so the rest of my weekdays are designated to writing and marketing the book. As soon as 6 rolls around, I put an end to my work day and spend it with my man. He has been super supportive and brags to his friends that I’m a published author.

Can you tell us about your latest book and why you wrote it?

I wrote this book for fashion industry entrepreneurs because I hate to people make the avoidable mistakes I made when starting my business. I hope that readers can take my experiences and grow their businesses into a success.

Can you share an excerpt?

This is little excerpt from the chapter Developing Your Customer:

Understanding your customer is just as important as developing your product. If you can not define a customer, you cannot focus your marketing, create your patterns and fit, develop your color palette, or figure out where to sell your merchandise. Everything factors into your customer.

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

My favorite place would be my couch, but only when my cat lays on my chest blocking the computer. It makes for a fun challenge to type around her.

What is one thing about your book that makes it different from other books on the market?

I write it in a down to earth language that everyone can relate to. Not everyone starting a business in this industry is familiar with all the technical jargon, so I make sure anyone can understand it.

Tables are turned…what is one thing you’d like to say to your audience who might buy your book one day?

I would love to hear from my reader on what they loved, didn’t love and what I could improve for future editions. I am very open to feedback and want to make this the best book on the market.

Thank you for this interview, Jennifer. Good luck on your virtual book tour!

Thanks very much. It was a pleasure.