New Christian Living Book for Review: ‘Designed for Relationship’ by T. J. MacLeslie

Designed for Relationship cover

T. J. MacLeslie will be touring August 5 – 30 with his Christian living/Spiritual Relationship book, Designed for Relationship. We are looking for reviews, interviews, guest post spots, first chapter reveals, book spotlights with giveaways. Please mention how you want to host this author and provide three dates that would work for you when inquiring.

Mankind has always struggled with the big questions: Why are we here? What is life all about? The search for answers has led in many directions, not all of them helpful. In this age, we are inundated with information, but this flood of knowledge has not necessarily produced wisdom. We find answers to the really important questions as elusive as ever.

It really is all about relationship! This is the open secret, hidden in plain sight all along.

159 pages

About the author:

T.J. MacLeslie has been involved in a variety of Christian ministries since 1990, including pastoring, church planting, leadership development, prayer, and spiritual formation. He currently lives in the UK with his wife and two children where he leads a team focused on prayer and spiritual formation. You’ll often find him walking the fields with his dog, reading a book, or enjoying a warm cup of coffee.

Visit the author online at and check out his new website for the book at


Please contact Cheryl at ccmal(at)charter(dot)net if you would like to review this book or host the author in any way.



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