📚 Pump Up Your Book Presents Fid’s Crusade Virtual Book Publicity Tour #SciFi #Fantasy #VBT @DavidHReiss

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Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you David H. Reiss’ FID’S CRUSADE Virtual Book Tour April 22 – June 21!

Even supervillains have lines they dare not cross. If only the same could be said of heroes...FID’S CRUSADE by David Reiss @davidhreiss #fantasy #scifi #newrelease #asmsg #puyb Share on X

Inside the Book

Fid's Crusade


Author: David H. Reiss
Publisher: Atian Press
Pages: 365
Genre: Scifi/Contemporary Fantasy


Consumed by grief, rage, and self-loathing, a brilliant inventor rebuilt himself to take on a new identity: the powered-armor-wearing supervillain, Doctor Fid. For twenty violent years, Fid has continued his quest to punish heroes who he considers to be unworthy of their accolades, and the Doctor has left a long trail of blood and misery in his wake. After a personal tragedy, however, Doctor Fid investigates a crime and uncovers a conspiracy so terrible that even he is taken aback.

Haunted by painful memories and profound guilt, the veteran supervillain must risk everything to save the world that he once sought to terrorize. Every battle takes its toll…but the stakes are too high for retreat to be an option.

In the end, it may take a villain to save the entire Earth from those entrusted with the Earth’s protection.


Fid’s Crusade by David H. Reiss is one of the most refreshing and lively takes on the superhero genre I’ve seen in years. His title character’s crusade is colorful, compelling, and takes wonderfully unexpected turns, and the novel delivers an impressive emotional punch (to go along with the super-powered ones). It stands easily alongside other character-driven superhero novels like Austin Grossman’s Soon I Will Be Invincible, Carrie Vaughn’s After the Golden Age, and Paul Tobin’s Prepare to Die!.” – Hugo award-winning author Tim Pratt





Meet the Author

David Reiss

While growing up, David H. Reiss was that weird kid with his nose in a book and his head in the clouds. He was the table-top role-playing game geek, the comic-book nerd, the story-teller and dreamer.

Fortunately, he hasn’t changed much.

David is a software engineer by trade and a long-time sci-fi and fantasy devotee by passion, and he lives in Silicon Valley with his partner of twenty-six years. Until recently, he also shared his life with a disturbingly spoiled cat named Freya.

(Farewell, little huntress. You were loved. You are missed.)

David’s first book, Fid’s Crusade, has just recently been published; this was his first novel-length project, but it certainly won’t be his last—he’s having far too much fun!

Website Link: https://www.davidhreiss.com

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/davidhreiss

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/davidhreiss




Blog Tour Highlights

Monday, April 22

Book Feature & Tour Kickoff at PUYB Virtual Book Club

Tuesday, April 23

Featured Interview at Pump Up Your Book!

Wednesday, April 24

Book Teaser Featured at PUYB Book Teasers

Thursday, April 25

Book Featured at Sybrina’s Book Blog

Friday, April 26

First Chapter Reveal at Read My First Chapter


Monday, May 6

Interview at The Writer’s Life eMagazine

Tuesday, May 7

Interview at Straight From the Author’s Mouth

Wednesday, May 8

Book Review at Books for Books

Thursday, May 9

Character Guest Post at Nuttin’ But Books


Monday, May 13

Book Featured at Momma Says To Read or Not To Read

Tuesday, May 14

Book Featured at I’m Into Books

Wednesday, May 15

Interview at Book Publishing Secrets

Thursday, May 16

Interview at Infinite House of Books


Monday, May 20

Interview at Literarily Speaking

Tuesday, May 21

Book Featured at C.A. Milson’s Author Blog

Wednesday, May 22

Guest Blogging at The Story Behind the Book

Thursday, May 23

Book Featured at What the Cat Read


Monday, May 27

Interview at The Dark Phantom Reviews

Tuesday, May 28

Book Featured at A Title Wave

Wednesday, May 29

Interview at I’m Shelf-ish

Friday, May 31

Book Review at Cassandra M’s Place


Monday, June 3

Guest Blogging at Blogging Authors

Tuesday, June 4

Guest Blogging at Dear Reader, Love Author

Wednesday, June 5

Interview at Self-Publishing Showcase


Monday, June 10

Book Review at Sefina Hawke’s Books

Tuesday, June 11

Interview at Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic

Wednesday, June 12

Interview at Beyond the Books

Thursday, June 13

Book Featured at Write and Take Flight


Monday, June 17

Interview at Blogger News Network

Tuesday, June 18

Book Featured at SheWrites

Wednesday, June 19

Interview at My Bookish Pleasures

Friday, June 21

Book Review at Stacking My Bookshelves



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