Join ‘Bottled Abyss’ Benjamin Ethridge at Ginger Nuts of Horror – Win Free Kindle Fire HD!

Bottled-Abyss-banner-long (1) Benjamin Ethridge, author of Bottled Abyss, is stopping off today at Ginger Nuts of Horror, as part of his colossal 3 month virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book where he will be giving away a new Kindle Fire HD!

Visit today’s stop at

Enter every day at a different blog for more entries!

This contest begins August 6 and ends on October 26, 2012.

An extra bonus prize: $50 goes to the person who visits the most tour stops and leaves a comment. If there is a tie, we will choose a winner at

If you’d like to visit the author’s official tour page to gain more entries and find out where else he will be appearing so you won’t miss out on a great opportunity to win the Kindle Fire HD and/or the $50 bonus, visit

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