New Book for Review: ‘Biographical Novel’ Elizabeth I by Margaret George

Elizabeth I cover Margaret George is touring in May with her biographical novel, Elizabeth I.

It is 1588, and the showdown between England and Spain has finally come.  Elizabeth and her island kingdom stand alone against the strongest country in Europe.  Yet after that triumph, she cannot rest.  There are many other challenges to her, and the ever-hanging question of the succession to the childless queen.  Surrounded by such larger-than-life characters as Drake, Shakespeare, the Earl of Essex, Raleigh, and Francis Bacon, the queen proves bigger than all of them.

Her cousin and rival, Lettice Knollys, mother of the Earl of Essex and widow of Robert Dudley, who was Elizabeth’s love and soul mate, provides a dark counterpoint to the glittering aura of Elizabeth’s legend. Bound together in a love-hate relationship, the two women pursue their linked destinies.

670 pages


If you would like to review Elizabeth I, please email us by clicking here and filling out the form or emailing Cheryl Malandrinos at cg20pm00(at)gmail(dot)com. Deadline for inquiries is April 15, 2011 or until the tour is filled. Please note, there are a limited number of ARCs available. Please contact us early if you are interested in this title. Also, there will be no giveaways with this tour.

UPDATE: This tour is now full and no longer accepting hosts. Thank you for your interest in Elizabeth I. Please check our New Books for Review page for available titles.

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