New Book for Review: Classic Noir Thriller ‘No One to Hear You Scream’ by Julia Madeleine

No One to Hear You Scream Julia Madeleine is touring in May & June 2011 with her classic noir thriller, No One to Hear You Scream. In the quiet environs of upstate New York, a family can get a great deal of land, a beautiful home, and a chance to live in the throw-back, bucolic world of small town America. For Brett and Pamela Jameson, that opportunity arose when a house they loved went into foreclosure. What they didn’t know was that this dream home was about to turn into their worst nightmare. Former owner, Irish emigrant and violent ex-gang memeber Rory Madden, is out of incarceration and wants his house back, and he will stop at nothing to get it. Rory unearths the secrets hidden within the Jameson family, and begins to leverage his knowledge to slowly drive wedges between them. When their seventeen year-old, mentally unstable daughter Justine falls for Rory’s advances, the devious mind of a career criminal turns her against her own parents, setting off a series of increasingly treacherous events that culminates into a charged climactic moment. At once a classic noir and a modern cautionary tale about the roiling truth lurking within the depths of twenty-first century suburban America, No One to Hear You Scream is a freight train to the heart of an unspoken terror inside everyone who has ever dreamed of a bright future, while nevertheless wary of what the dark past may one day bring to their door.

You can visit her website at

If you would like to review No One to Hear You Scream, email us by clicking here or email Dorothy Thompson at  Deadline for inquiries end May 25 ‘11 or until tour is filled. Thank you!

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