Pump Up Your Book Chats with Children’s Author Jaimie Hope

Baby Jaimie gets Stage Fright Book Tour

Baby Jaimie gets Stage Fright Book Tour

Jaimie Hope was born in New York and it was in high school, when she joined the newspaper staff and decided she wanted to be a writer. Jamie received her Associates degree in 1999. Then she moved to Florida where she was an active volunteer in the local historical society and remained active in the arts. In 2005 Jaimie wrote her first children’s book, The Adventures of Baby Jaimie, published in 2006 and Who Says You Can”t Go Home? in 2008. The Adventures of Baby Jaimie: Baby Jaimie Goes to School in 2010. Her Autobiography, Roll With It followed by the third volume in her children’s series, The Adventures of Baby Jaimie: Baby Jaimie Gets Stage Fright, and her first Paranormal Romance, When You Come Back To Me Again were released in 2011.

My website address: http://www.jaimiehope.com

My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jaimie-Hope/255441457835397

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JaimieHope

My Blog: http://jaimiehope.wordpress.com/

Thank you for this interview, Jaimie.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later?  Do you remember your first published piece?

A: I was born disabled. Like my character, Baby Jaimie, I am in a wheelchair. While my home life was what I consider to be average, my school life wasn’t. I wasn’t allowed to do anything. When other children ran around the playground I was forced to sit on the edge of the playground just watching. Watching wasn’t much fun, so I’d make up stories to entertain myself while the other kids were running around.

My first publish piece was my first book, The Adventures of Baby Jaimie. Prior to that I did have article published in the school paper in high school where I was on staff.

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

A: The most frustrating side of becoming a published author has been marketing. he most rewarding part has been meeting different kids at events.

Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life?  Do you have support?

A: I’m single.  I right from home, so my home life and my writing life really is combined. When something in my home life needs my attention the writing life gets put on the backburner and vice versa.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing?  Where do you like to vacation?  Can you tell us briefly about this?

A: When I’m not writing (and sometimes when I am) I  blast music. I also enjoy watching sports, especially Nascar on television, playing basketball, and watching old movies.

With the exception of this year I have spent the last few winters in Florida with my grandparents. While there I often take a break from writing and catch up on my reading.

If you could be anywhere in the world for one hour right now, where would that place be and why?

A:  There’s no other place I’d rather be.

Who is your biggest fan?

A: As far as I know I don’t have one.

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

A: In my room.

Do you have any pets?

A: No

Tell us a secret no one else knows.

A: Sorry, I don’t have any

What’s on your to do list today?

A: I have to finish another interview and do some research for my next Paranormal Romance.

Now I’ve got a couple of fun questions for you.  If Tom Hanks, in the movie Cast Away, unearthed a copy of your book, how would that help him find a way off the island?

A: It wouldn’t, but hopefully it would be a source of entertainment until he died on the island.

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, with judges Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Kara Dioguardi and the newest addition, Ellen DeGeneres, to determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay where you’d make millions of dollars.  What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your author photo – and why?

A: I’d have to say the book cover would impress them the most simply because it seems to be the one thing that impresses everyone else.

You just got word that your book has received the 2010 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony to give an acceptance speech.  Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom.  What would you say and who would you thank?

A: I have a fear of public speaking, so I might spend most of my time trying to get out of going to the ceremony. If that failed I would probably make my acceptance speech as short as possible by saying “Thank you to everyone who purchased my book.”

I understand that you are touring with Pump Up Your Book Promotion in (April) via a virtual book tour.  Can you tell us all why you chose a virtual book tour to promote your book online?

A: I was looking for a new way to promote my latest release. The idea of a blog tour came up in my research and it seemed like a fun way to promote my writing, so I decided to give it a try.

Thank you for this interview, (Jaimie). Good luck on your virtual book tour!

A: Thank you

About The Adventures of Baby Jaimie: Baby Jaimie gets Stage Fright

Baby Jaimie is in her first year of school. She has made a lot of friends and learned a lot of things. Now she will learn what it means to be a team player when she is in her very first play. Follow Baby Jaimie as she learns the lesson, there are no small parts, only small actors.