Pump Up Your Book Chats with author Monica Daddio


Monica Daddio was born and raised in Trenton, NJ. She attended St. Stephens and Holy Cross grammar schools, Junior 4, and

Trenton High. From there went to wrok for Mercer County Elections Office. Most recently she has retired and relocated to the Bristol VA/TN area. Her passion and love has always been music and she will jokingly tell you that she is a professional listener. With a vast collection of over 500 artists, she has a

wide range of musical taste and that’s how her story came to be. This is her tribute to the musicians and music she loves so much.

To find out more visit her website at : www.monicadaddio.com or her blog at: http://monicadaddio.blogspot.com

The Interview

Thank you for this interview, Monica. Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later? Do you remember your first published piece?

A: I remember writing poetry when I was in my teens. The first thing I had published was a one paragraph editorial for a local newspaper when I was in my early teens.

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

A: What’s very frustrating is the way the publishing industry operates, that only one percent of new authors get a major publishing house to represent them. But as an individual I’m taking advantage of technology by having my own websites and other forms of social media such as; http://monicadaddio.com/, http://humanizingthejaguar.com/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/monica.daddio.9 https://twitter.com/#!/search/users/monicadaddio http://www.myspace.com/590900417 and I’m even on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/daddyom/

Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life? Do you have support?

A: I am single and try to find time whenever the mood strikes me to write. I really don’t have much support from family or friends, who see this as just a hobby for me. I find I get support from the local writers group I joined.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing? Where do you like to vacation? Can you tell us briefly about this?

A: Everyday fun is just that – everyday activities; shopping while trying to find a bargain, going to the movies or eating out. My vacations recently have been to visit with family either in NJ or MI.

If you could be anywhere in the world for one hour right now, where would that place be and why?

A: Probably Hollywood California just to see what it’s like and to be among all the celebrities.

Who is your biggest fan?

A: Good question, I would have to say myself. I believe in this book and am doing what I can to get it out to the public.

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

A: Usually at my table where I can spread out the papers because I like to work in long hand first before using the computer.

Do you have any pets?

A: I have five pets’ two cats and three dogs. The cats are my music connection cause their names are Geddy and Manson. My first cat was Ozzy. My three dogs are Lea, the only female, Tiny and Frankie. They all have their own personalities and are great company.

Tell us a secret no one else knows.

A: Well if I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.

What’s on your to do list today?

A: Write out a grocery list, check emails and put aside a little time to write for my websites.

Now I’ve got a couple of fun questions for you. If Tom Hanks, in the movie Cast Away, unearthed a copy of your book, how would that help him find a way off the island?

A: I don’t think it would but it would make for some interesting reading to take his mind off of his plight.

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, with judges Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson, and Jennifer Lopez, to determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay where you’d make millions of dollars. What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your author photo – and why?

A: I would say the cover because it has a lot of meaning to it. The artwork of the Jaguar and the Musician would resonate with the judges giving them a reason to find out the meaning behind the title, Humanizing the Jaguar.

You just got word that your book has received the 2012 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony to give an acceptance speech. Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom. What would you say and who would you thank?

A: Thank you so much for this award, it means everything to me. And I would like to thank all the musicians I dedicate the book to for inspiring me to write this story. Music is an important part of my life and this is my way to honor these musicians giving them some form of entertainment.

I understand that you are touring with Pump Up Your Book Promotion in (August-Sept) via a virtual book tour. Can you tell us all why you chose a virtual book tour to promote your book online?

A: Online is the way things are today and I would like to reach a larger audience that my own backyard. This way people all across the country can learn about my book.

Thank you for this interview, Monica. Good luck on your virtual book tour!

A: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure.


How do you tame the untamable? Bryan Wharton has been through more than any child should bear, leaving him emotionally scarred. When his new family proves to him that love and encouragement do exist, Bryan pursues his only dream. With the friendship and support of a few boys from school, they succeed in making their wild fantasies of becoming rock stars a reality. Through their hard work they rise to fame, while Bryan’s confident, cocky attitude generates animosity within the group. After a particularly grueling ordeal, he meets a young woman who captivates him in ways like no one else ever has. Donna’s ignorance over who he really is and her genuine concern during their fleeting time together allows him to freely open up to her. The two form a bond, becoming oddly entwined. After getting back to what Bryan knows best, he realizes he needs to devise a way for Donna to be near him for what he believes is his own selfishness. Donna was ready for an adventure knowing she’d become the envy of young women worldwide and was hoping that this could lead to more. What does this mean for the two-friendship, love or? As an added bonus this book also includes a game. There are many music clues scattered throughout the text. How many of the hidden clues can you find?

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