📚 Book Trailer Of The Week: The Rescue by Sher J. Stultz #BookTrailer #BookTeaser

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The Rescue

Title: The Rescue
Author: Sher J. Stultz
Pages: 290
Genre: YA


It all starts when the sheets go slack, and Aeneas vanishes! He and his two best friends, C.J. and Tabitha are spellbound as they watch the video feed of his disappearance and witness him climbing through his bedroom window an hour later, wearing different socks. Aeneas Entwistle, a slightly above average eighth grader is about to discover that the mystery of waking up with different socks is much more than just a prank.

Adding to that dilemma, Aeneas is struggling with new feelings for Tabitha and loses his cool during her birthday party. Meanwhile, Aeneas’s twenty-something daughter, Cassie has traveled thirty-eight years from the future hoping to find any small detail that might help locate her missing father. Enlisting Harold, the Entwistle’s quirky housekeeper, Cassie works to rescue a middle-aged Aeneas, who vanishes into the timestream when a 7.2 earthquake strikes northwest Washington in May of 2053. But Cassie’s presence in the past might have unforeseen consequences for everyone in her circle. As she struggles to find her father, a carefully guarded family secret is revealed, and Cassie must choose between altering the past or violating the shamanic rules of time travel!

“Author Sher J. Stultz weaves an intricate plot filled with unexpected twists and turns that hooks you in from the first page and refuses to let go until the end. Moving at a blistering pace, the narrative is full of intrigue, mystery, and a sense of wonder that you find in well-written adventure tales. The characters are colorful and full of life. Their distinct quirks and idiosyncrasies only make them more appealing to the reader. I adored the friendship between Aeneas, Tabitha, and C.J. I also found myself enjoying the dynamic between Cassie and Harold. Recommended to young adult sci-fi/fantasy lovers.”Reviewed By Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite

Book Information

Release Date: January 2022

Publisher:  Independent

Soft Cover: ISBN:979-8455440540; 290 pages; $14.99; eBook $3.99

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B09P7ND264

About the Author

Sher Stultz

Sher Stultz lives with her family in the Puyallup river valley. The Timestream Travelers Chronicles is her debut series. Her inspiration for this series came from teaching middle school science and her deep curiosity with genetics and time travel. As a science teacher for seventeen years, she is always delighted to bump into former students and learn about the new adventures in their lives. In her spare time, she kayaks, dances, practices yoga, and goes camping or hiking. In the summertime Sher grows pollinator gardens for bees and hummingbirds, attends outdoor concerts, and reads in her hammock. An ardent conversationalist, Sher enjoys many genres of books and music and will happily converse with anyone on a variety of topics! Her first novel, The Rescue has been warmly received, garnering an indie B.R.A.G. Medallion, a Bookfest gold medal, and was cited as Pacific Book Awards Finalist. Book two in the Timestream series is slated for release in early 2023.

Website: https://www.timestreamtravelerchronicles.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timestreamtraveler/ 


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