Pump Up Your Book Trailer Of The Week: Precious Burdens by Avery Sterling #BookTrailer #BookTeaser

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Precious Burdens

Title: Precious Burdens
Author: Avery Sterling
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Pages: 324
Genre: Historical Romance

Sarafina di Ramonicci sets sail for America as the promised bride in an arranged political marriage.

Taken prisoner at sea, she clashes with her captor and demands freedom, only to discover he is planning her future husband’s demise, with her as a pawn in their deadly feud. The challenge of escape tests her loyalty to family, human decency, and love.

Captain Nye Tarquin is a dangerous man. Left to die on the streets of New Orleans, he swears retribution on the man responsible. When he makes Sarafina part of his plan, he isn’t prepared for the fiery vixen aboard his ship, nor his desire to claim her as his own. When passion overtakes honor, he’s torn between his heart and his need for justice.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Precious-Burdens-Avery-Sterling-ebook/dp/B0C8VHNH3V

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/precious-burdens-avery-sterling/1143685468?ean=2940160809335


About the Author

Avery Sterling

Avery Sterling’s love for the romance genre began in her teen years when she picked up her first novel. She was captivated by the sweeping scale of emotions brought about by the words. The experience catapulted her towards learning the art of wielding a breathtaking adventure, with a love that felt authentic. Wanting to inspire people with her own thoughts and words, she finished her first novel at sixteen. It was a step towards understanding the essence of what she wished to create.

Most of her youth was spent traveling, searching out the romance and beauty in her everchanging world. From the waves that crashed against the rocky shores of Downeast, Maine, to the warm breezes of the Caribbean, she discovered that love was universal, apparent in its grandest and simplest of forms. Her goal is to write novels an audience can relate to, one that conveys the truth and nature of love…with all the steamy romance.

Website: http://www.avery-sterling.com 

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/averysterling17 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avery.sterling.125?eav=AfaEN0SdTOOmVInfsysAoPRLYUanLZ1olr4QWTIjYzwm85tfJ7Ij6rQhS1Qf5oXnK7k&paipv=0&_rdr 

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Avery.Sterling17

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19674760.Avery_Sterling 

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/avery-sterling



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